Who is Yeshua?

My first and foremost identity is as a follower of Yeshua.  “Who is that?” you might ask.  Well, let me start from the beginning…

At the beginning of time, the One true God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, created humanity to be in relationship with Him.   And yet, we rejected Him and willingly chose our own destruction—we turned our backs on the One who made us.  Though God reached out to us again and again, even setting apart an entire nation as His ambassadors to bring us back into relationship with Him, we still wanted nothing to do with Him.  The Jewish people (Israel) whom He chose as His special possession—His light to the world—refused His love and His calling as they pursued their own lusts and desires.  He was nothing but good and merciful, and we were nothing but wicked and ungrateful.  Yet, despite our unworthiness, God did not give up on us.   

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